The Business of healing

about the podcast

As an author, podcaster, former therapist, and Love Addiction coach who has built both a successful private practice and online coaching business, Shena Lashey has learned a lot about what it takes to make a business work.

And as a woman committed to being a better person, lover, and friend, she has learned a lot about what it means to heal and grow and be her best self.

In the Business of Healing Podcast, Shena talks about what happens when those worlds overlap.

  • What does it look like to build a successful business as a therapreneur and healer?

  • How does self esteem impact entrepreneurship and vice versa?

  • How does one actively heal in the public eye as they are teaching others to do the same?

  • Where does one the boundaries of place family, life and relationships along with the boundaries with clients, students, and when consumers become friends as a healer?


Hi, I'm Shena.

I teach women the patterns that will help them attract relationships where they are valued and respected.

Sometimes, my clients are the ones who look like they have everything perfect from the outside but are secretly struggling and cannot get their patterns under control.

Sometimes my clients don’t look so great on the outside. They have been struggling with depression, compulsive sexual behaviors, relationships that aren’t going anywhere, and crippling anxiety. There may be unresolved traumas in your life that are super scary to confront because what if you do and you lose control?

Whatever your reason for arriving, I’d love to help you find relief and get you best life worth living.


  • break free from addictive relationships and porn or sex addictions

  • recover from partner betrayal due to infidelity or addiction

  • identify and create safety from emotional and verbal abuse

  • stop the pattern of being attracted to impossible and unavailable partners

  • gain control of their emotions

  • change from being defensive and walled to open and available

  • heal from unresolved trauma

  • restore themselves to joy from depression

  • create life goals and steps to achieve them

 About My Training:

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with years of training in Marriage and Family Therapy. I specialize in sex and love addictions and work with those who want to leave codependency behind and/or learn how to engage in healthy relationships. With my training in marriage and family therapy, I am an ideal fit for those wanting to improve their romantic relationships.

I am also intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy which is the leading treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. I work with both adults and teenagers, and I love helping my clients rediscover who they are and find control over parts of their lives that have become unmanageable.

Treatment focuses include providing a safe, non judgmental environment to build coping skills to manage depression, anxiety, impulsivity, grief, anger management, self esteem issues, and related relationship concerns. As an African American therapist, it is also my goal to provide culturally competent therapy to any clients who are persons of color.

In addition to adults, I specialize in working with adolescents. I have been counseling teenagers for 8 years, and I work to maintain that each of my clients feel honored and treated as an individual while balancing the parent and family involvement. I believe that true change is maintained by healthy communication between parents and kids.

When I’m not providing therapy, I love spending time with my husband who is my best friend, mentoring teenagers, lindy-hop (swing-dancing), and traveling to new places!

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 Me elsewhere:

black girls heal

Powerful Healing & Support for Black Women Healing from Trauma and Love Addiction

shena lashey

Homepage of Shena Lashey – Love Addiction Expert, Author, Speaker, and Coach

for the fellas

Healing & Support for Men Ready to Repair their Relationships with Women and Themselves